Bath Township Land Use Permit

Land use planning plays a vital role in Bath Township, as it serves as the basis for implementing policies and regulations in order to guide and control development. The Planning Department’s responsibilities include developing and implementing the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance to apply public policy to future land use and enforce development standards.

The Planning Department then provides recommendations to the Planning Commission and Board of Trustees to help carry out strategic land use and planning decisions in the Township. The Department also oversees processing applications for site plans and provides guidance to residents and developers.

The Comprehensive Development Plan lays out long-range land use policies that aid in guiding and controlling development in the Township. The Zoning Ordinance is intrinsically linked to the Comprehensive Plan as it contains regulations to enforce the goals, policies and objectives of the plan. The Township is split into seven zoning districts: Public Lands or Open Space, Development, High Density Residential, High Density Development, Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential and Rural. Within each of these zoning districts are regulations for appropriate uses, size of the land and structures, setbacks, buffers, etc.

Architectural Guidelines Brochure

Architectural Guidelines

Topics on this page include:

What is the difference between zoning and building?

Do I need a permit for a shed?

Do I need a permit for a fence?

Do I need a permit for an above-ground pool?

How close can a shed be to a property line?

Can I apply for a variance?

How do I get a rental license?

Can you tell me where my utility lines are on my property?

Do you have a survey of my property that I can have?

What is the difference between zoning and building?

Zoning relates to the uses allowed on a particular property, as well as the location of said use on the property. Building relates to the design and construction of structures. Zoning is regulated directly by the Bath Township Zoning Ordinance. Building is regulated by the Michigan State Building Code.

Do I need a permit for a shed?

Yes, you will always need a land use permit for a shed. If the shed is over 200 square feet, you will also need a building permit.

Do I need a permit for a fence?

Yes, you will always need a land use permit for a fence. If the fence is 7 feet or taller, you will also need a building permit.

Do I need a permit for an above-ground pool?

Yes, you will need a land use permit, as well as building permits. For more information regarding building permits, please contact the Building Department.

How close can a shed be to a property line?

A shed is considered an accessory structure and, as such, is required to be at least 10 feet from any property line and any existing structures on the property.

Can I apply for a variance?

Yes, you can apply for a variance by submitting an application to appear before the Zoning Board of Appeals. The application is located under the ‘ZBA requests’ tab.

How do I get a rental license?

Bath Township does not have rental licenses.

Can you tell me where my utility lines are on my property?

No, you will need to contact the utility provider directly. You may also need to have a professional survey done.

Do you have a survey of my property that I can have?

No, Bath Township does not maintain surveys of properties in the township. We also do not provide surveying services. You will need to contact a professional surveyor to have a survey of your property done.

Land Use Permits cost $50.00 and are required for:

  • Accessory Building: A building or structure customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal structure and located on the same lot as the principal building. This includes sheds.
  • Building: Any structure having a roof supported by columns or walls, for the shelter, support, enclosure of persons, animals or property.
  • Driveway: Vehicle access to a lot from a street which shall be located at least five feet from an adjacent lot line.
  • Fence (permanent): A barrier of wood, metal, stone, brick and/or vegetation or any manufactured materials erected for permanent enclosure of yard areas.
  • Screen: A structure providing enclosure, such as a fence, and a visual barrier between the area enclosed and the adjacent property A screen may also be non-structured, consisting of shrubs or other growing materials.
  • Structure: Anything constructed or erected which requires permanent location on the ground or attachment to something having such location on the ground including, but not limited to, all building and free-standing signs and not including sidewalks, drives, patios, and utility poles.

Bath Charter Township has five separate zoning districts:

  • Rural
  • Developmental
  • High Density
  • Medium Density
  • Low Density

Bath Township Zoning Map

The Planner will review the plot plan that was submitted with the building permit application. The zoning will either be approved or denied based on the Bath Charter Township Zoning Ordinance requirements for the zoning district where the property is located.

The Planner may only approve the zoning according to the provisions of the Bath Charter Township Zoning Ordinance. If the project’s zoning cannot be approved by the Planner, an application may be made to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Zoning Board of Appeals is a five member board that has the power to grant variances or interpretations to the Bath Charter Township Zoning Ordinance.

An application must be filled out and submitted to the Planner.

Zoning Board of Appeals Variance Request Application


Zoning Board of Appeal Fees:

  • $100 00 residential
  • $250.00 multiple family residential and signs
  • $300.00 office, commercial, industrial and ordinance interpretation

ZBA meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m.

An application, site plan and fee must be turned in 25 days before the meeting.

The State requires notification of the meeting to be published in a newspaper and letters mailed 15 days before the meeting to adjacent property owners within 300 feet of the appeal address.

A reminder letter will be sent to the applicant as well.

“The applicant or the applicant’s representative must be present at the meeting to present their appeal before the ZBA board. If the applicant or representative is not present the appeal will be tabled to the next meeting Decisions will be made at the meeting.”

The minutes of the meeting will be made available following the meeting. The applicant may request a copy of the minutes by calling the Planning & Zoning Department.

2021-2026 Comprehensive Plan

2025-2029 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)

2025-2029 Capital Improvement Plan

Capital Improvements Planning

The Michigan Planning Enabling Act stipulates that Planning Commissions in Townships which operate public water or sewer systems “shall annually prepare a capital improvements program of public structures and improvements” which support the adopted Comprehensive Development Plan.

A capital improvements plan is a budgeting tool for planning a community’s capital expenditures. This tool is intended to coordinate community planning efforts, financial capacity, and physical development. The plan is composed of two parts, a capital budget and a capital program. The capital budget is the upcoming year’s spending for capital projects. The capital improvements program is a plan for capital expenditures that extends five years beyond the capital budget.

Capital improvement projects are currently defined as permanent, physical or system improvements that cost at least $20,000, or significant equipment purchases in excess of $20,000 and add value to the township. Examples of capital improvement projects are parks, government facilities, roads, and sewers.

2024-2028 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)

2024-2028 Capital Improvement Plan

Capital Improvements Planning

The Michigan Planning Enabling Act stipulates that Planning Commissions in Townships which operate public water or sewer systems “shall annually prepare a capital improvements program of public structures and improvements” which support the adopted Comprehensive Development Plan.

A capital improvements plan is a budgeting tool for planning a community’s capital expenditures. This tool is intended to coordinate community planning efforts, financial capacity, and physical development. The plan is composed of two parts, a capital budget and a capital program. The capital budget is the upcoming year’s spending for capital projects. The capital improvements program is a plan for capital expenditures that extends five years beyond the capital budget.

Capital improvement projects are currently defined as permanent, physical or system improvements that cost at least $20,000, or significant equipment purchases in excess of $20,000 and add value to the township. Examples of capital improvement projects are parks, government facilities, roads, and sewers.

2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)

2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan

Capital Improvements Planning

The Michigan Planning Enabling Act stipulates that Planning Commissions in Townships which operate public water or sewer systems “shall annually prepare a capital improvements program of public structures and improvements” which support the adopted Comprehensive Development Plan.

A capital improvements plan is a budgeting tool for planning a community’s capital expenditures. This tool is intended to coordinate community planning efforts, financial capacity, and physical development. The plan is composed of two parts, a capital budget and a capital program. The capital budget is the upcoming year’s spending for capital projects. The capital improvements program is a plan for capital expenditures that extends five years beyond the capital budget.

Capital improvement projects are currently defined as permanent, physical or system improvements that cost at least $20,000, or significant equipment purchases in excess of $20,000 and add value to the township. Examples of capital improvement projects are parks, government facilities, roads, and sewers.

Non-Motorized Plan 2024

Non-Motorized Plan 2024

Approved by the Board of Trustees September 3, 2024

Non-Motorized Plan 2017

Non-Motorized Plan 2017

Approved by the Board of Trustees April 16, 2018

For more information on marihuana establishments, visit the Adult-Use Marihuana webpage

On Tuesday, September 3, 2019, the Township Board approved ordinances that opted into the medical marihuana facilities. Medical marihuana growing facilities are now allowed in the Development zoning district as a special land use. Medical marihuana processing and safety compliance facilities are allowed as special land uses in the Development and High Density Development zoning districts.

Medical marihuana facilities are not allowed within 1,000 feet of schools, licensed daycares, or Webster Road.

Also, please note: The Township has NOT opted into provisioning centers or transportation facilities and has opted OUT of all recreational marihuana establishments.


An Ordinance to amend the Bath Charter Township Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to provide for the zoning regulation of Commercial Medical Marihuana Facilities and Primary Caregiver Operations; and  designate such Facilities and Operations as special uses; in order to maintain the public health, safety and welfare of the residents and visitors to Bath Township.


An Ordinance to implement the provisions of the Michigan Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act, Public Act 281 of 2016, which authorizes the licensing and regulation of Commercial Medical Marihuana Facilities and affords the Township the option whether or not to allow Commercial Medical Marihuana Facilities; to regulate Commercial Medical Marihuana Facilities by requiring a Permit and compliance with requirements as provided in this Ordinance, in order to maintain the public health, safety and welfare of the residents and visitors to the Township.

For more information on marihuana establishments, visit the Adult-Use Marihuana webpage

On April 19, 2021, the Bath Charter Township Board of Trustees adopted an ordinance to define, regulate and provide for the zoning and regulation of Adult Use Establishments. In addition, the Board adopted an ordinance to authorize, license, and regulate Marihuana Establishments.

The Township shall only accept Applications as designated by the Superintendent. No Applications shall be accepted by the Township unless the Superintendent has issued procedures and standards for the receipt and review of Applications as set forth in this Ordinance, and specifically approved of the acceptance of such Applications. The dates, times, and places to accept Applications shall be determined by the Superintendent, and made available publicly prior to the receipt of Applications.

The Superintendent is authorized to issue procedures and standards establishing the competitive process for the Township to select the Applicant to operate in compliance with the Act, this Ordinance, and within the Township. The Township Board shall consider, review, and evaluate each Application according to the procedures and standards, the report of the Superintendent, and any other information deemed relevant by the Township Board to evaluate and review each Application.

To be placed on list to be notified of the “Acceptance of Applications,” please email Township Superintendent Karen Hildebrant at

Updated July 20, 2021  

Planning & Zoning

Bert Gale, Building Official & Zoning Administrator

Miles Roblyer, Planner

Allyson Smolarek, Planning Intern

Robert Foster, Planning Intern

Bath Charter Township
14480 Webster Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, Michigan 48808

Direct Line: (517) 641-5166

Phone: (517) 641-6728

Fax: (517) 641-4170

There is a secure, 24-hour drop box located next to the Township Office entrance that may be used for any Township business.