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Tom King Memorial Junk Day: April 26, 2025, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

14480 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808

Drop-Off Registration (opens March 31):

Dispose of household items – including furniture, electronics, and appliances – at the Township during the annual Tom King Memorial Junk Day. This is a FREE program available to Bath Township residents ONLY.

Space is limited and registration is required to participate. There is a two-load limit per address – a truck or utility-sized trailer (4-feet x 6-feet) load equates to one load. If unauthorized items are mixed in your load, our crews are not obligated to sort the materials and may refuse the entire load.


Curbside Service for Residents 65+ and/or Residents with Disability

Curbside Registration is LIMITED: Qualified persons may call the Township Offices at (517) 641-6728 from March 31 – April 18, 2025 to schedule a pick-up appointment for April 21 – 25, 2025. You will be assigned a pick-up date based on a predetermined schedule and the voting precinct that you reside in. Curbside service is for residents age 65+ or residents who have a disability and cannot bring their materials to the drop-off site.

  • There is a ONE-LOAD limit per address.
  • Items must be placed curbside by 8:00 a.m. on the day of your scheduled pick-up. Items can be placed curbside the weekend before your pick-up.
  • Crews WILL NOT enter your property to collect items.
  • If the weather forecast shows rain, please place a tarp over your items. We will leave the tarp on your property.
  • If unauthorized items are placed for collection, our crews are not obligated to sort the materials and may refuse the entire load, leaving it on your property.


  • Lumber and carpet MUST be cut to four-foot lengths or less
  • Protruding nails in lumber MUST be removed or bent down
  • Large pieces of glass should be broken up into a pail
  • Household/residential tires only
  • Tires MUST be off rims, free of dirt and water; Up to 10 accepted

Electronics Recycling – Accepted Items

  • PC Monitors
  • Keyboards
  • Hard Drives
  • Printers, Fax Machines, and Copiers
  • Televisions and other monitors
  • Misc. Electronic (stereos, wires, etc.)
  • Items not accepted for electronics recycling may still be eligible for disposal as part of this event. Please see Items NOT ACCEPTED during the event.

Please visit Clinton County Waste Management at for additional resources and special collection events, including items listed below that are not accepted during our event.

  • Asbestos (ceiling/floor tiles and insulation)
  • Dangerous Items (ex. lumber with nails sticking out)
  • Demolition Materials (concrete, brick, block, shingles, and other roofing materials)
  • Drums/Barrels (not empty/clean)
  • Household Refuse
  • Lead Acid Batteries (car batteries)
  • Liquids
  • Low-Level Radioactive Waste (some household clocks and smoke detectors)
  • Medical Waste (sharps materials not properly contained)
  • Non-Household Liquid Waste
  • Paint Cans (that are not dry)
  • Polychlorinated Biphenyls, PCBs (fluorescent light ballasts)
  • Radioactive Waste
  • Regulated Hazardous Waste
  • Septage/Sewage
  • Tires on Rims
  • Toxic Materials (ignitable, corrosive, or reactive)
  • Yard Waste (leaves or grass clippings)
  • Used Oil