Please review all information on this page, including:
Review Time
Issuing the Permit
Posting the Permit
Certificates of Occupancy or Certificates of Compliance
Submit an application, plot plan, recorded deed and three (3) sets of drawings or blueprints. Applications are available here online under the Forms tab, or in paper format at the Township Offices.
For building and accessory permits, the application, plot plan, recorded deed and three (3) sets of drawings or blueprints are required for the permit package. (The accessory building permit is used for swimming pools.)
If the permit is for a new residence, a driveway permit, health department permit or sewer and water permit, and an energy code (exterior envelope) form will be required. In some areas of the Township, a Soil Erosion Permit is required. There is a map in the Building & Zoning office that will determine if a Soil Erosion Permit may be required.
The review should take one week, however it may take longer depending on the magnitude of the review and the number of applications waiting for review. Applications are processed in the order in which they were received.
When the permit is ready to be issued, the applicant will be called. When the building permit package is submitted, it is checked for completeness. The drawings or blueprints are reviewed by the building inspector and a plan review done. The plan review includes all the codes necessary for your project, items omitted from your drawings or blueprints or to which the building inspector wants to draw attention. The plot plan will be reviewed to determine compliance with the zoning of the District.
If the project is denied due to zoning, there is recourse through the Zoning Board of Appeals.
The Building Department will issue a building permit after review and approval of the completed building permit package. The issued permit package will include a copy of the building permit, the plan review, a copy of the drawings or blueprints, and a hard card. This hard card must be posted on the site for inspections to be done.
A trade permit may be pulled by a homeowner for his own house if he is doing the work. Otherwise, a licensed contractor must obtain the permit. Trade permits can be reviewed and issued the same day.
A contractor is not required to pull a building permit for a commercial project, but all trade permits must be pulled by a licensed contractor.
The hard card must be posted where the inspector can see it from the road. For new construction. the hard card is sometimes the only identification for a building project when it is at the footing stage. If the inspector cannot identify the address of the inspection, he will not do the inspection. If the hard card is destroyed, it can be replaced by calling the Building Department.
To schedule an inspection, call (517) 641-4238. If the call goes to voice mail, please give the following information: inspection address, type of inspection, permit number, name and phone number of person requesting the inspection. Inspections are normally done five days a week.
A Final Inspection is Required for Every Project.
- A Certificate of Occupancy is issued after the completion of an approved, final inspection for a building project.
- A Certificate of Compliance is issued after the completion of an approved, final inspection for installation of furnaces, air conditioners or other work requiring a trade permit (electrical, mechanical or plumbing).
These Certificates are issued to the permit holders. An approved, final inspection may be necessary for insurance purposes and more banks are requiring a Certificate of Occupancy when the house is sold.