Current Programs & Events

Adult Activities & Sports

Registration coming soon!

Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced archer, the Bath Township Recreation 3D Archery League offers a friendly and supportive environment for all skill levels. This league is perfect for anyone looking to improve their skills, meet fellow archers, and enjoy the sport in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. If you’re new to archery, don’t worry — you’ll find plenty of support and encouragement to help you learn and succeed.

This league is sponsored by the Bath Township Recreation Department in partnership with Bengal Wildlife.

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to challenge yourself, improve your technique, and have fun along the way. Sign up and let your aim take you to new heights!

Join the Greater Lansing Area Drummers for their drumming circle on Sundays from 2 – 4 p.m. at the Bath Community Center from January 5 through May 2025. This is a free drop-in program.

Come join Zumba every Wednesday night from 6 – 7 p.m. at the Bath Community Center!

The cost is $8 for drop-in or $36 for the 6-week class. This program is available for adults ages 18+.

Family Activities & Events

Youth Activities & Sports

Traditional in-person course (field day included)

Michigan’s traditional hunter education course is taught by a dedicated core of certified volunteer instructors and Michigan conservation officers.

About the class:

  • In person, traditional classroom setting including hands on training.
  • Minimum of 10 hours over a minimum of two days.
  • Written test (80% or better to pass) and practice assessment (pass/fail).
  • Maximum $10 fee.
  • Students under age 10 must be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or other adult approved by parent or legal guardian.

Online or take-home study course with a field day

This option provides the same information you would learn in the traditional hunter education course; however, the classroom portion is completed via an online course or a take-home study course.

Online + field day:

Take-home study + field day:

  • Register for a field day.
  • Make arrangements with the instructor to pick up the student manual, a minimum of one week prior to the field day.
  • Complete the chapter review questions and present them at the start of the field day.

About the field day:

  • 4 hours minimum
  • Written test (80% or better to pass) and practice assessment (pass/fail)
  • Maximum $10 fee
  • Students under age 10 must be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or other adult approved by parent or legal guardian.

Hunter Safety Certificate Webpage

Michigan DNR eLicense Webpage

Registration begins April 1, 2025. More information coming soon!

Registration is available at

Department Information

James Seaton, Recreation Coordinator

Bath Charter Township
14480 Webster Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, Michigan 48808

Phone: (517) 641-6728

Direct Line: (517) 281-7402

Fax: (517) 641-4170

Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

There is a secure, 24-hour drop box located next to the Township Office entrance that may be used for any Township business.


Quarterly Updates

To receive quarterly updates on Recreation programs, please email your request to be added to the parent email group to the Recreation Department.

Recreation Mission Statement

To provide educational programs, recreational activities, community facilities and quality parks for the enrichment of Bath Township residents.

Weather-Related Closings

A reminder from Bath Charter Township about weather-related closings: If Bath Community Schools close due to weather, then Recreation activities will be cancelled, and the Senior Center will be closed. When this happens, we will also announce it to the public on the Township’s website and Facebook.

Additional Information

The Parks and Recreation Plan 2024-2028 was adopted by the Board of Trustees on January 2, 2024.

Bath Charter Township Parks and Recreation Plan 2024-2028

To be considered for a volunteer coaching position, complete the coaching application and return it to our front office or email the completed form to the Recreation Coordinator.

Application to Coach

If you are being considered for a coaching  position, you will be asked to:

  • Submit a copy of your driver’s license for a background check if you have not coached in the past 12 months for Bath Township Recreation.
  • Take the CDC Heads Up! Concussion Training in Youth Sports for coaches (if you have not already done this.)
  • Submit a copy of the CDC Heads Up in Concussion Training for Youth Coaches Certificate indicating you have passed the 35 minute online training (unless you already have one on file with our office).
  • Read, sign and return the Coaches Code of Ethics Pledge.

Handbook for Coaches, Participants & Parents

This handbook is presented to serve as a reference, so that you may understand the philosophies and guidelines regarding the youth programs and allow you to do your part to help make the Bath Charter Township programs a success.

Coaches (Pages 9-19)

Participants (Pages 20-23)

Parents (Pages 24-28)


It is believed that through these tough economic times, some children are not participating in after school activities due to a lack of funds. As a caring community, Bath Township Recreation wants to assist families who are struggling and afford the children in these families the opportunity to participate in parks and recreation programs.

For the past 12 months, we have been working to raise money to support a youth Scholarship Assistance Program (SAP).

Qualifications are as follows:

  • Ages 4-18, and
  • At least 1 parent must reside in Bath Charter Township, or
  • Registrant must be a Bath School student (School of Choice counts as a resident), or
  • You must participate in the Bath Schools free/reduced lunch program, or
  • Carry a Bridge Card, or Medicaid Card with the child’s name on it.
Any youth who wishes to apply for scholarship assistance will be required to pay a $10.00 registration fee and a parent of each participant will be asked to volunteer their time to a future Recreation event. For programs less than $11.00, the entire fee will be covered.

Uniforms will not be a covered expense through the SAP program, only registration fees.  If the participant needs a reversible jersey they may be required to purchase one for $20.00 if a used jersey is not available.

Please understand that not all offerings qualify for scholarship funding.

Scholarship applications are available at the Bath Township Offices.

Money raised through events offered, a donation canister, public and private assistance, and a letter and grant writing campaign, have all played a role in establishing this fund. No donation is too small.

Bath Township Recreation would like to thank and recognize the Joe D. Pentecost Foundation for their substantial donation in 2012 to provide the seed for the youth Scholarship Assistance Program fund.

Volunteers are always needed for Bath Township Recreation programs, such as Truck or Treat, Buck Pole, the Easter Bunny Event, etc.

If you are interested, please contact our office.