Responsibilities of the Township Clerk

The Clerk’s Office is responsible for maintaining all official records of the Township including ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and correspondence. As a voting member of the Board of Trustees, the Clerk also prepares and maintains Board meeting minutes. Administering elections in the Township is an ongoing responsibility, which includes conducting voter registrations, maintaining the Michigan Qualified Voter File, issuing absentee ballots, and providing other voter assistance as necessary.

Other responsibilities of the Clerk include:

  • Accounts Payable
  • Acting as the Township’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Coordinator
  • General Accounting
  • Sewer Billing
  • Managing the Township Cemeteries
  • Providing General Information to Township Residents
  • Scheduling Township Facilities

Additional information is available regarding the following related functions of the Clerk’s Office:

  • Cemeteries
  • Election Information
  • Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
  • Municipal Records
  • Polling Locations
  • Voter Registration

Bath Charter Township has several members on staff who are notaries.

Hours: 8 00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday

A notary public is an officer commissioned by the Michigan Secretary of State to serve as an unbiased and impartial witness. The most common function of the notary is to prevent fraud by attesting to the identity of a person signing a document.

Notarization on a document certifies that the person whose signature is entered on the document personally appeared before the notary, established his or her identity, and personally signed the document in the presence of the notary.

To have your documents notarized:

  • Valid photo identification is required.
  • The document to be notarized must be signed in front of the Notary.
  • We offer this service free of charge.

Active Peddlers Permits

Kathleen Farmer, Frontier: Valid 01/10/2025 – 04/10/2025

Sean McDowell, Xfinity/Comcast: Valid 02/12/2025 – 04/12/2025

Youness Mawry, Xfinity/Comcast: Valid 03/06/2025 – 05/04/2025

If you ever have questions regarding solicitors and peddlers, or to see if there is a permit on file for someone that comes to your door, please feel free to contact the Clerk’s Office or the Bath Township Police Department.

Solicitors/peddlers must apply for and receive a permit through the Bath Charter Township Clerk’s office. As a part of that permit process, individuals may be required to submit fingerprints and a criminal background check is conducted.

Peddlers, Solicitors & Transient Merchant Permit Application

View Bath Charter Township’s Peddlers and Solicitors Ordinance.

Peddling, soliciting or vending may take place within the Township only between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

Solicitors and peddlers with permits are prohibited from:

  • Threatening or annoying residents or in any way engaging in conduct which is or would tend to create a nuisance,
  • Engaging in business without carrying the license issued.
  • Conducting in business within any Township park or upon any property owned or controlled by the Township without specific approval of the Township Board.
  • Obstructing any street, alley, sidewalk, driveway or other place.
  • Entering the premises of a private residence to solicit or peddle when the occupant has displayed a “no soliciting”, “no peddlers”, “no solicitors”, “no salesperson,” “no trespassing” or similar sign on the premises.

Clerk's Office

Brenda Butler-Challender, Clerk

April Dunham, Deputy Clerk

Jenna Catlin, Assistant to the Clerk

Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday

Bath Charter Township
14480 Webster Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, Michigan 48808

Phone: (517) 641-6728

Fax: (517) 641-4170

There is a secure, 24-hour drop box located next to the Township Office entrance that may be used for any Township business.