New County-Wide Emergency Notification System: RAVE Alert
What is RAVE Alert?
RAVE Alert is a free service that allows individuals to sign up for notifications sent from state and local authorities. RAVE Alert keeps residents and travelers informed on potentially hazardous situations involving weather, traffic and other emergencies.
RAVE Alert enables residents and travelers to Clinton County to sign up for free at Get RAVE to receive timely and actionable emergency alerts via email, text or voice message on their cell phones. They can also identify when and how they are alerted and communicated with before, during, and after emergencies.
Why should I sign-up for RAVE Alert through Clinton County?
When emergencies happen, be the first to know. Clinton County uses RAVE Alert to send official, real-time alerts to the public with information about potentially life-saving actions they may need to take to keep themselves and their families safe. By signing up for RAVE Alert, you are taking a large step toward improving your personal safety. Residents are encouraged to sign up for RAVE Alert here.
RAVE Alert works in conjunction with Smart911 – 2 great programs with 1 profile!
Smart911 is a comprehensive software program that facilitates data and communications in event of a 9-1-1 call. With Smart911, Michiganders can create an extensive online profile, which displays to dispatchers when a 9-1-1 call is made. Critical information such as home address, bedroom location, pet information, medical details, and whether households include people with dementia or children with autism can all be provided and improve response. Smart911 is now a statewide deployment, so it can be a helpful resource when travelling anywhere in Michigan. More info on Smart911 is here.