Where is the location going to be?

The development is going to be located about 200 feet north of the Great Lansing Food Bank. The front parking lot of the structure is going to be about 550 feet from Webster Road going west.

What was the approval process for this commercial development?

This commercial development is a light industrial use permitted by special use permit within Bath Charter Township. This required the developer to first gain site plan approval from the Planning Commission. That approval required an agency review of the proposed site conducted by Bath Township’s partnering agencies. Following approval of the site plan, a vote on the recommendation of the special use permit itself, and a completed public hearing the development was then reviewed by the Board of Trustees. The Board was introduced to the project and at a proceeding meeting a vote was taken to approve the project.

What factors did local policymakers consider when approving the development?

Many factors were considered by local policymakers. The Planning Commission reviewed all elements of the site as it relates to zoning and land use policy. The agencies reviewed the site as it relates to their areas of expertise. The Board of Trustees took into consideration all of this when casting their vote. A few of the factors that typically come up during these discussions are lighting, noise, traffic, surface water flow, effects on neighbors, landscaping, and parking.

What policy bodies and agencies are involved in the review process?

  • Bath Charter Township Planning Department
  • Bath Charter Township Board of Trustees
  • Board of Water and Light (BWL)
  • Mid-Michigan District Health Department (MMDHD)
  • State of Michigan Department of Energy, Great Lakes, and Environment (EGLE)
  • Clinton County Road Commission
  • Clinton County Drain Commission
  • Southern Clinton County Municipal Utilities Authority (SCCMUA)
  • Bath Township Fire Department
  • Bath Township Police Department
  • Bath Township Engineering Firm (Prein&Newhof)
  • Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)

How will this development be serviced by sewer and water?

This development will not have a commercial well or septic field. It will be served by municipal water provided by Board of Water and Light and municipal sewer via Southern Clinton County Municipal Utilities Authority (SCCMUA).

How will this development impact the daily operation of Webster Road?

As with any newly established facility comes an increase in traffic volume. However, with Food Court Lane and Webster Road having the capacity for high volume traffic to include semi-trucks, it was the opinion of the Clinton County Road Commission that the roads will support this volume of traffic.

What impacts will this development have on residents?

As with any newly established facility, this does introduce an element of change within the landscape, however it is the job the Planning Commission to mitigate these factors that negatively impact residential land uses. They do this by buffering existing uses with screening mechanisms such as walls, berms, landscaping, and fencing. The building is located in the rear of the site in order to be farther away from the main corridor of Webster Road. Where the site is connected to residential properties, additional landscaping was required during the approval process.

What activities will be happening within this development?

The zoning land use type is best described as light industrial, but more specifically this will be a bolt and fastener manufacturer.


Please contact the Township Offices at (517) 641-6728 or info@bathtownship.us