The Bath Township Senior Center serves lunch Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12:00 p.m.
The cost is $5.00 per meal for Bath Township residents and non-residents over age 55. The cost is $6.00 for those under age 55. Beverage is included in this cost.
Bath Township residents (age 55+) can provide documentation (Medicaid or Food Assistance Card) to the Township Office and be qualified to receive a discreet meal punch card for use at the Center.
Type III Food Service Establishment License: The Township applies each year for a Food Service Establishment License in order to prepare and serve meals and drinks on-site to the public at the Senior Center.
Certified Food Safety Manager: The Township must employ one certified food manager that works an average of 30 hours per week as a requirement of our license.
Inspections: As part of holding a Food Service Establishment License, at least two times per year, the Mid-Michigan District Health Department conducts unannounced inspections of our Center’s food preparation operations and procedures, as well as our staff’s knowledge. Inspector’s generally look at facility cleanliness and maintenance, hair restraint and hand washing, hot and cold holding of food, date-marking, training certifications, sanitizing and dishwashing, and knowledge of food-borne illnesses.