The Bath Charter Township Fire Department provides volunteer/paid-on-call fire services and emergency medical services to the Bath Community. Our Department is comprised of a full-time Fire Chief and up to 30 firefighters.

The Bath Township Fire Department is located at 5633 Drumheller Road in Bath. This station was constructed in 2001 and is 9,987 square feet. It is a fully sprinkled building and houses our equipment, which includes: one command car, two rescues, three engines, one water tanker, one light and air, two brush trucks, one boat, a trailer, and one ORV.

Any burning in Bath Charter Township requires a burning permit.
Carefully read the Burning Permit Regulations before applying for a permit.

Burning Permit Regulations

Open Burning Permit Application

Online Open Burning Permit Application

Recreational Burning Permit Application

Online Recreational Burning Permit Application

Open Burning Regulations in Michigan

Submitting New Applications

There are a couple of ways to apply for a burning permit:

  • Come to the Township Offices during regular business hours and fill out an application
  • Complete an online form
  • Download an application here and return the completed permit to the Township Offices at:
    • Fax (517) 641-4170
    • Email: info@bathtownship us
    • Drop Box There is a secure, 24-hour drop box located next to the Township Office entrance.

Activating Existing Permits

If you already have a burning permit:

A three (3) day permit will be issued under an approved application by contacting the Township Burning Permit phone line at (517) 641-6619.

Weekend permits must be called in by 4:00 p.m. on Friday (or the previous work day if that Friday is a Holiday) to be considered activated.

Please leave your name, phone number and permit number on the answering machine.

The permit is automatically issued upon confirmation that the request has been made by person authorized to do so the annual burning permit application.

Sponsored by the Bath Township Firefighters Association

Emergency reflective house number signs assist emergency personnel in locating your residence in the event of an emergency.

  • Assists EMS, Fire, and Police Departments.
  • Horizontal or vertical display.
  • Reflective house numbers reflect at night.
  • Fee includes installation.

Reflective House Number Order Form

For more information, contact the Bath Township Fire Department.

Bath Township has four outdoor warning sirens to alert the public to an imminent hazard. The sirens are only intended to warn people who are outdoors. The tornado sirens are activated by Central Dispatch simultaneously with DeWitt and Eagle sirens. Bath Township tornado sirens are located at James Couzens Park near Main Street, Park Lake Road and Webster Road, Austin Way and Coleman Road, and Upton Road and M-78 (mobile home park).

Open Burning Regulations in Michigan

You are responsible for fire, smoke, or odors created from open burning … and for damage that results from your fire.

Learn what can and cannot be legally burned in the State of Michigan.

Please see the Burn Permits TAB above for more information.

Fire Department

Dave Snider, Fire Chief

Kevin Douglas, Assistant Fire Chief

Hours vary. Please call for an appointment.

Bath Township Fire Department
5633 Drumheller Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, MI 48808

Phone: (517) 641-7811

Fax: (517) 641-6930

Clinton County Central Dispatch (911)
9-1-1 is for Emergencies & Non-Emergencies in Clinton County, and (989) 224-6792 for calls from outside Clinton County.