About Boards, Commissions & Committees
Current vacancies include (as of February 4, 2025)
For information on how to apply for any vacancy listed below, please click on the “How to Apply” tab above.
> Housing Commission (1 member)
- The Housing Commission has the authority to own and oversee the management of the subsidized rental housing at Countryside Manor, as well as Section 8 housing in the community.
> Park Lake Advisory Board (1 member)
- The Board advises on the preservation of the natural habitat and integrity of Park Lake and the surrounding area for the improvement of environmental conditions, wildlife habitat, and recreational resources.
> Public Art Committee (6 members)
- The Public Art Committee works to provide additional opportunities for creating attractive public spaces to be used and enjoyed by Township residents, workers, and visitors.
> Recreation Advisory Committee (1 member)
- The Recreation Advisory Committee advises on possible recreation programming opportunities, Farmers Market events, and parks improvements.
> Road Committee (1 member)
- The Road Committee advises the financing and maintenance of local streets in coordination with the Clinton County Road Commission.
> Senior Services Advisory Board (2 members)
- The Senior Services Advisory Board advises on programs and facilities which promote the physical, social, and emotional well-being of our senior citizens.
> Zoning Board of Appeals (2 alternate members)
- The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) must hear appeals from decisions by the Zoning Administrator, and may grant variances from the strict letter of the Zoning Ordinance if practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship would result in conforming with the Ordinance, provided the spirit of the Ordinance is observed, public safety is secured, and substantial justice is done. The ZBA cannot rezone property, grant use variances or special use permits, or amend the Zoning Ordinance.
All groups are limited to Township residents.
Interested applicants should complete an Application for Appointment to Township Board, Commission, or Committee, and return the completed application and any attachments to Bath Charter Township, 14480 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808, email to: info@bathtownship.us or fax to: (517) 641-4170.
Current members of a Township Board, Commission, or Committee who wish to be reappointed should complete an Application for Reappointment and return the completed application to Bath Charter Township, 14480 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808, email to: info@bathtownship.us or fax to: (517) 641-4170.
Statutory boards and commissions are public bodies either required or authorized by law. They have specific duties outlined in state statute and/or the Township’s ordinance creating the particular committee.
Bath Township’s Statutory Committees include:
- Board of Review
- Construction Board of Appeals
- Election Commission
- Housing Commission
- Planning Commission
- Sewer Board of Appeals
- Zoning Board of Appeals
Advisory committees are not mandated or authorized by specific statutes. A Township board may choose to establish advisory committees to collect information, make recommendations and participate in township programs. Advisory committees are just that—advisory—and they have no authority of their own. They can do only what the board has authorized them to do.
Bath Township’s Advisory Committees include:
- Park Lake Advisory Board
- Police & Fire Board
- Public Art Committee
- Recreation Advisory Committee
- Road Committee
- Senior Services Advisory Board
Board of Review
The Board of Review (BOR) examines and reviews the assessment roll for the current year as prepared by the Supervisor/Assessor. The BOR adds property omitted from the assessment roll, and corrects errors in names, descriptions of property, and the assessment and valuation of property. The Board also hears taxpayer appeals, and endorses the completed assessment roll.
Each member of this group serves a two-year term. Members are recommended by the Township Supervisor and approved by the Board of Trustees.
Jeff Seelye, Chair: Term expires 12/31/2026
Tamela Riley, Member: Term expires 12/31/2026
Herb Gibbs, Member: Term expires 12/31/2026
Jeannine Brown, Member: Term expires 12/31/2026
Ryan Fewins-Bliss, Township Supervisor: Term expires 11/20/2028
The Board of Review meets three times a year in March (second Monday by appointment only), July (Tuesday following the third Monday) and December (Tuesday following the second Monday).
Meetings are held at the Bath Charter Township Offices, 14480 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808.
Public notices are available at: https://bathtwpmi.documents-on-demand.com/
Beth Botke, Assessor
Email: bbotke@bathtownship.us
Bath Charter Township
14480 Webster Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, Michigan 48808
Phone: (517) 641-6728
Fax: (517) 641-4170
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Thursday
Construction Board of Appeals
The Construction Board of Appeals is responsible to hear appeals to decisions (including building permit denials) made by the Building Official and Construction Code variance requests.
The Construction Board of Appeals consists of four members, qualified by experience and training, recommended by the Township Supervisor, and subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. Each member serves a two-year term.
Adam Falkowski, Chair: Term expires 12/31/2026
VACANCY, Member: Term expires TBD
Michael Piper, Secretary: Term expires 12/31/2025
VACANCY, Member: Term expires TBD
Bert Gale, Building Official
Public notice is given for all meetings, which are scheduled as needed at the Bath Charter Township Offices, 14480 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808.
Public notices are available at: https://bathtwpmi.documents-on-demand.com/
Meetings are video recorded for the purpose of public viewing. Video recorded meetings are available in their entirety to the public, via the Township YouTube page.
Bath Charter Township
14480 Webster Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, Michigan 48808
Email: info@bathtownship.us
Phone: (517) 641-6728
Fax: (517) 641-4170
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday
Election Commission
The Election Commission meets as often as needed to administer all Township elections; although, it must meet at least once every election to appoint Election Inspectors.
The Election Commission consists of the Clerk and two Trustees appointed by the Board of Trustees.
Brenda Butler-Challender, Township Clerk & Chair: Term expires 11/20/2028
Al Rosekrans, Township Trustee: Term expires 11/20/2028
Cheryl Kellerman, Township Trustee: Term expires 11/20/2028
The Commission meets as often as needed to administer all Township elections; although, it must meet at least once every election to appoint Election Inspectors.
Public notice is given for all meetings, which are held at the Bath Charter Township Offices, 14480 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808.
Public notices are available at: https://bathtwpmi.documents-on-demand.com/
Brenda Butler-Challender, Clerk
Email: bchallender@bathtownship.us
Bath Charter Township
14480 Webster Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, Michigan 48808
Phone: (517) 641-6728
Fax: (517) 641-4170
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday
Housing Commission
The Housing Commission has the authority to own and oversee the management of the subsidized rental housing at Countryside Manor, as well as Section 8 housing in the community.
The Housing Commission consists of five members recommended by the Township Supervisor, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. Each member serves a five-year term.
Kaci Hartsuff, Chair: Term expires 12/31/2027
VACANCY, Treasurer: Term expires TBD
Allison Brooks, Resident Member: Term expires 12/31/2026
Terrence McMillian, Member: Term expires 12/31/2026
Rayce O’Connell, Member: Term expires 12/31/2026
Cindy Cronk, Executive Director
Meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at Countryside Manor, 14379 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808.
Public notices are available at: https://bathtwpmi.documents-on-demand.com/
Bath Charter Township Housing Commission
14379 Webster Road
Bath, Michigan 48808
Email: cindybcthc@gmail.com
Phone: (517) 641-6244
Park Lake Advisory Board
The Board advises on the preservation of the natural habitat and integrity of Park Lake and the surrounding area for the improvement of environmental conditions, wildlife habitat, and recreational resources.
The Park Lake Advisory Board consists of seven members recommended by the Supervisor, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. Each member serves a three-year term.
Dan Hayes, Chair & Secretary: Term expires 12/31/2027
John Yurkon, Vice Chair: Term expires 12/31/2027
Rayce O’Connell, Member: Term expires 12/31/2027
Don Parkey, Member: Term expires 12/31/2025
Leon Puttler, Member: Term expires 12/31/2025
VACANCY, Member: Term expires 12/31/2026
Ray Kotke, Township Trustee: Term expires 11/20/2028
Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Bath Charter Township Offices, 14480 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808.
Public notices are available at: https://bathtwpmi.documents-on-demand.com/
Meetings are video recorded for the purpose of public viewing. Video recorded meetings are available in their entirety to the public, via the Township YouTube page.
Bath Charter Township
14480 Webster Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, Michigan 48808
Email: info@bathtownship.us
Phone: (517) 641-6728
Fax: (517) 641-4170
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday
Planning Commission
The basic function of the Planning Commission is to make and adopt a plan for the Township’s land use development. The Commission is required to review any plats or subdivisions and make recommendations prior to Board action. In addition to private land use, it should consider the general location of major streets, public utilities, location of public buildings, and similar matters pertinent to governmental service.
The Planning Commission consists of seven members recommended by the Township Supervisor, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. Each member serves a three-year term.
John Reich, Sr., Chair: Term expires 12/31/2026
George Baker, Vice Chair: Term expires 12/31/2026
Brett Coulter, Member: Term expires 12/31/2027
Mark Kraner, Member: Term expires 12/31/2026
Jason Almerigi, Member: Term expires 12/31/2027
Raymond Severy, Member: Term expires 12/31/2027
Kate Hagerman, Township Trustee: Term expires 11/20/2028
Meetings are scheduled the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 6:00 p.m. and held at the Bath Charter Township Offices, 14480 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808.
Public notices are available at: https://bathtwpmi.documents-on-demand.com/
Meetings are video recorded for the purpose of public viewing. Video recorded meetings are available in their entirety to the public, via the Township YouTube page.
Bath Charter Township
14480 Webster Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, Michigan 48808
Phone: (517) 641-6728
Fax: (517) 641-4170
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday
Police & Fire Board
The Police & Fire Board advises the operation of the Bath Township Police and Fire Departments.
The Police & Fire Board consists of seven members recommended by the Supervisor, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. Each member serves a four-year term.
Mike Creed, Chair: Term expires 12/31/2027
Brian Jeffs, Secretary: Term expires 12/31/2027
Monty Small, Member: Term expires 12/31/2026
Todd Jenkins, Member: Term expires 12/31/2026
Brit Weber, Member: Term expires 12/31/2026
Lee McCallister, Member: Term expires 12/31/2026
Al Rosekrans, Township Trustee: Term expires 11/20/2028
Dave Snider, Fire Chief
VACANT, Police Chief
Meetings are scheduled the second Wednesday of February, April, June, August, October, and December at 6:00 p.m. and held at the Bath Charter Township Offices, 14480 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808.
Public notices are available at: https://bathtwpmi.documents-on-demand.com/
Meetings are video recorded for the purpose of public viewing. Video recorded meetings are available in their entirety to the public, via the Township YouTube page.
Bath Charter Township
14480 Webster Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, Michigan 48808
Email: info@bathtownship.us
Phone: (517) 641-6728
Fax: (517) 641-4170
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday
Public Art Committee
The Public Art Committee works to provide additional opportunities for creating attractive public spaces to be used and enjoyed by Township residents, workers, and visitors.
The Committee is comprised of up to seven members, one Township Staff person, and one Board of Trustees member. Each member serves a three-year term.
Michael Mumaugh, Member: Term expires 12/31/2025
VACANCY, Member: Term expires TBD
VACANCY, Member: Term expires TBD
VACANCY, Member: Term expires TBD
VACANCY, Member: Term expires 12/31/2025
VACANCY, Member: Term TBD
VACANCY, Member: Term TBD
Kate Hagerman, Township Trustee: Term expires 11/20/2028
Tayler Reeves-Hodge, Township Representative
Meetings are held the third Friday of the month at 1:00 p.m. at the Township Offices, 14480 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808.
Public notices are available at: https://bathtwpmi.documents-on-demand.com/
Meetings are video recorded for the purpose of public viewing. Video recorded meetings are available in their entirety to the public, via the Township YouTube page.
Bath Charter Township
14480 Webster Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, Michigan 48808
Email: info@bathtownship.us
Phone: (517) 641-6728
Fax: (517) 641-4170
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday
Recreation Advisory Committee
The Recreation Advisory Committee advises on possible recreation programming opportunities, Farmers Market events, and parks improvements.
The Committee is comprised of up to six members and one Board of Trustees member recommended by the Supervisor and approved by the Board of Trustees. Each member serves a three-year term.
Adam Montri, Chair: Term expires 12/31/2025
Carolyn Hoard, Vice Chair: Term expires 12/31/2027
Mark Szymczak, Member: Term expires 12/31/2027
VACANCY, Member: Term expires TBD
Dwight Washington, Member: Term expires 12/31/2026
Sandra McIntosh, Member: Term expires 12/31/2027
Cheryl Kellerman, Township Trustee: Term expires 11/20/2028
Meetings are held the second Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at the Bath Charter Township Offices, 14480 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808.
Public notices are available at: https://bathtwpmi.documents-on-demand.com/
Meetings are video recorded for the purpose of public viewing. Video recorded meetings are available in their entirety to the public, via the Township YouTube page.
Bath Charter Township
14480 Webster Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, Michigan 48808
Email: info@bathtownship.us
Phone: (517) 641-6728
Fax: (517) 641-4170
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday
Road Committee
The Road Committee advises the financing and maintenance of local streets in coordination with the Clinton County Road Commission.
The Roads Committee consists of seven members recommended by the Supervisor, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. Each member serves a three-year term.
George Baker, Chair: Term expires 12/31/2026
VACANCY, Member: Term expires TBD
Carl Seabold, Member: Term expires 12/31/2026
Leo Gallegos, Member: Term expires 12/31/2025
Tom Hardenbergh, Member: Term expires 12/31/2025
Cheryl Kellerman, Township Trustee: Term expires 11/20/2028
Al Rosekrans, Township Trustee: Term expires 11/20/2028
Karen Hildebrant, Township Superintendent
Meetings are scheduled as needed and held at the Bath Charter Township Offices, 14480 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808.
Public notices are available at: https://bathtwpmi.documents-on-demand.com/
Meetings are video recorded for the purpose of public viewing. Video recorded meetings are available in their entirety to the public, via the Township YouTube page.
Bath Charter Township
14480 Webster Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, Michigan 48808
Email: info@bathtownship.us
Phone: (517) 641-6728
Fax: (517) 641-4170
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday
Senior Services Advisory Board
The Senior Services Advisory Board advises on programs and facilities which promote the physical, social, and emotional well-being of our senior citizens.
The Senior Services Advisory Board consists of nine members recommended by the Supervisor, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. Each member serves a three-year term.
Judy Gardi, Chair: Term expires 12/31/2025
Deb Johnson, Secretary: Term expires 12/31/2025
Jean Jones, Member: Term expires 12/31/2027
Ben Barker, Member: Term expires 12/31/2027
Dana Conley, Member: Term expires 12/31/2025
Nancy Hoyland, Member: Term expires 12/31/2025
VACANCY, Member: Term expires TBD
VACANCY, Member: Term expires TBD
Ray Kotke, Township Trustee: Term expires 11/20/2028
Meetings are scheduled the third Wednesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. and are held at the Bath Charter Township Offices, 14480 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808.
Public notices are available at: https://bathtwpmi.documents-on-demand.com/
Meetings are video recorded for the purpose of public viewing. Video recorded meetings are available in their entirety to the public, via the Township YouTube page.
Bath Charter Township
14480 Webster Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, Michigan 48808
Email: info@bathtownship.us
Phone: (517) 641-6728
Fax: (517) 641-4170
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday
Sewer Board of Appeals
The Sewer Board of Appeals considers appeals regarding deadlines for connecting to the sewer system and equivalent unit factors. The Board also considers deferral of connection fees for hardship applications, industrial cost recovery charges, and contractor license revocation.
The Sewer Board of Appeals consists of five members recommended by the Supervisor, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. Each member serves a three-year term.
VACANCY, Member: Term expires TBD
VACANCY, Member: Term expires TBD
VACANCY, Member: Term expires TBD
VACANCY, Member: Term expires TBD
Ryan Fewins-Bliss, Township Supervisor: Term expires 11/20/2028
Meetings are scheduled as needed and held at the Bath Charter Township Offices, 14480 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808.
Public notices are available at: https://bathtwpmi.documents-on-demand.com/
Meetings are video recorded for the purpose of public viewing. Video recorded meetings are available in their entirety to the public, via the Township YouTube page.
Bath Charter Township
14480 Webster Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, Michigan 48808
Email: info@bathtownship.us
Phone: (517) 641-6728
Fax: (517) 641-4170
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) must hear appeals from decisions by the Zoning Administrator, and may grant variances from the strict letter of the Zoning Ordinance if practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship would result in conforming with the Ordinance, provided the spirit of the Ordinance is observed, public safety is secured, and substantial justice is done. The ZBA cannot rezone property, grant use variances or special use permits, or amend the Zoning Ordinance.
The Zoning Board of Appeals consists of five members and two alternates appointed by the Board of Trustees. Each member serves a three-year term.
Paul Shaheen, Member: Term expires 12/31/2026
William “Bill” Selanders, Member: Term expires 12/31/2025
Rob Hurand, Member: Term expires 12/31/2025
Mark Kraner, Planning Commission Liaison: Term expires 12/31/2026
VACANCY, Alternate: Term expires TBD
VACANCY, Alternate: Term expires TBD
Ray Kotke, Township Trustee: Term expires 11/20/2028
Meetings are scheduled the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. and held at the Bath Charter Township Offices, 14480 Webster Road, Bath, MI 48808.
Public notices are available at: https://bathtwpmi.documents-on-demand.com/
Meetings are video recorded for the purpose of public viewing. Video recorded meetings are available in their entirety to the public, via the Township YouTube page.
Bath Charter Township
14480 Webster Road
P.O. Box 247
Bath, Michigan 48808
Email: info@bathtownship.us
Phone: (517) 641-6728
Fax: (517) 641-4170
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday